TITAN Special Vehicles

exclusively distributed by BLCS-TITAN

TITAN Special Vehicles

exclusively distributed by BLCS-TITAN

We are pleased to announce that BLCS-TITAN is the exclusive distributor for vehicles of TITAN Spezialfahrzeugbau GmbH, Germany and based in Dubai.

TITAN SF is a worldwide leading and experienced manufacturer of special vehicles, working under the most challenging and in the most remote areas of the world. Because of the comprehensive knowledge of the logistics and oilfield market, BLCS-TITAN precisely understands the daily needs of our customers and can provide solutions for all their logistic challenges

Need more information

If you are interested in our product portfolio for the Middle East get in contact with us!

Special Heavy Vehicles from TITAN

Oilfield Bed Trucks

Oilfield Bed Trucks

Especially built for the extreme needs in the Oilfield enviroment

Winch Truck / Prime Mover

Winch Truck / Prime Mover

The ideal solution for moving rigs and heavy cargo.

Oilfield Bed Trucks

TITAN Heavy Duty Transport

Heavy-Duty tractors for combined weights up to 1.000MT

Excellent Support

TITAN special heavy vehicles is an official Mercedes-Benz Custom Tailored Trucks Partner and ISO 9001 certified. That guarantees the best products and support for our clients.

Rig move conducted from our client ILC with TITAN trucks – delivered by BLCS-TITAN.

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